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Quick Fact

According to Richard Ryan, a Psychology professor at University of Rochester, in some of his studies of homophobia, in some cases those that are homophobic, are likely to have a hidden LGBTQIA sexuality in them. 

History of Homophobia

There are many ways in which people believe that homophobia had been started in society. The one in which i believe is most recent is the way the Nazis had treated the LGBT in the concentration camps. When people had seen this happen, they had thougt that this was alright since it was being shown by a 'mighty' leader. As this had processed it had been noticed that it had been passed down generation by generation. If you hope on knowing more on the history of homophobia go to the following websites: 


Why People are Homophobic

According to GLBTQ 2a resource center at CSU, if you look into the past of those that are homophobic there is a likely chance that they had been ignored in school and or they had been  anti-social. They had felt invisible, and they want to progress there issuse on to another person, so they feel more leader like.

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